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Beyond Access

To better serve all of our community members, Valley Regional Transit is excited to introduce Beyond Access. Available in Ada and Canyon Counties, Beyond Access provides no-cost curb-to-curb transportation for older adults and people with disabilities.

Service area & hours

Service Area

The Beyond Access service area covers most of Ada and Canyon counties. VRT will verify if your trip is within the service area during the booking process.

Note: Beyond Access trip requests that can be completed entirely by Access must be booked as Access trips.

Learn more about Access

Full screen map

Printable Beyond Access Brochure

7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Mon - Fri


To qualify for VRT Beyond Access, passengers must first apply for VRT Access.

To apply for VRT Access, please visit ADARide.com or call (877)232-7433.

  • If you DO qualify for Access, you automatically qualify for Beyond Access.
  • If you DO NOT qualify for Access and are 60 or older, and:
    • Are 60 or older, you qualify for Beyond Access
    • Are younger than 60, you do not qualify for Beyond Access

Note: Beyond Access trip requests that can be completed entirely by Access must be booked as Access trips. VRT Customer Service will assist with determining trip eligibility.

Book your trip

VRT provides three convenient ways to book your Beyond Access trips through the Treasure Valley. Riders can book trips from 5 minutes to 7 days in advance.

Interested in setting up recurring trips? Contact VRT Customer Service.

  • VRT Booking App

    Step 1: Download the “VRT Booking” app through your app store. Follow the set-up instructions.

    Download on the App StoreGet it on Google Play



    Step 2: Enter your pickup address and tap “Set Pickup.”

    Step 3: Enter your destination address and tap “Set Dropoff.”

    Step 4: Choose your ride option and tap “Book.”

    Step 5: Meet your ride at the location indicated in the app.

    Información en español disponible por internet, en la aplicación y por teléfono.

  • Online

    Set up an account and book online.

  • Call

    Book your ride over the phone with VRT’s Customer Service team Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

    Call 208-345-7433

Cancelling your trip

Rides must be cancelled in advance or service may be suspended. To cancel, call (209)345-7433.

Same Day Cancel

To cancel a trip on the same day, call at least one hour prior to pick-up time. Depending on circumstances and timing, a trip cancelled with less than one hour’s notice may be considered a no-show.


A no-show occurs when:

  • The passenger has not cancelled their trip at least one hour prior to pick-up time.
  • The passenger is not ready to board the vehicle within five minutes after vehicle arrives as long as the vehicle has arrived within the 30-minute pick-up window.
  • The passenger is not at the correct address or the correct location.
  • The address requested cannot be located by the driver and the driver is not able to locate the passenger.

When the passenger is a no-show on the first trip of the day, remaining trip(s) for that day are automatically cancelled.

Late Cancellations

Cancellations made less than one hour before the scheduled trip or cancellations made at the door after the vehicle has arrived are considered late cancellations. Late cancellations are treated the same as a no-show.

no-show policy

In a 30-day calendar period, any passenger who has 3 no-shows will receive the following violations:

  • 1st Violation: one-week suspension
  • 2nd Violation: two-week suspension
  • 3rd Violation: will forfeit their ability to use the Beyond Access service for six months
  • 4th violation: will forfeit their ability to use the Beyond Access service for one year
Driver error

VRT will not count a no-show or a late cancellation if the missed trip(s) are due to an error, such as:

  • Trips placed on the schedule in error
  • Pick-ups scheduled at the wrong pick-up location (will be verified by listening to call)
  • Drivers arriving and departing before the pick-up window begins
  • Drivers arriving after the end of the pick-up window
  • Drivers arriving within the pick-up window, but departing without waiting the required five minutes
passengers’ role to reduce no-shows

Reducing no-shows requires effort by both passengers and staff. Below are some guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Confirm the pick-up window (noting the beginning and end time) and the amount of time the vehicle will wait when scheduling trip
  • Call to cancel as soon as possible if unable to take the trip
  • Be alert and ready for the vehicle during the pick-up window
  • Provide detailed pick-up instructions (side or rear entrance) for large facilities, locations that may be difficult for drivers to find, or locations where pick-up is not located at the main entrance
  • Provide pick-up address and telephone numbers and confirm the trip has been scheduled correctly with the reservationist
  • If using a subscription trip, call to make any schedule changes (such as a vacation or other known absences); informing the driver to cancel subscription trip is not sufficient

Common questions

Partner resources

Our mission at Valley Regional Transit is to help more people get to more places more often, which means helping you talk and write about our services. Use these resources to help your organization and clients get on board!

Beyond Access flyer (color) Beyond Access flyer (black & white)







Logo – Color (transparent png) Logo – Color (jpg) Logo – Black (transparent png) Logo – Black (jpg) Logo – White (transparent png)